August 2022 – Present
Rev. Phong Q. Pham
In the late fall of 2022, Bishop Walkowiak asked Father Phong to return to the Diocese of Grand Rapids as the Pastor of Holy Redeemer. On November 5, 2022, Fr. Phong was Installed as Pastor of Holy Redeemer Parish.

2019 – July 31, 2022
Rev. Colin J Muhall
In the spring of 2019, Bishop Walkowiak appointed Fr. Colin J. Mulhall as Administrator of Holy Redeemer. A lifelong resident of West Michigan, Fr. Colin was ordained as a diocesan priest in 2016. With his youthful enthusiasm, Fr. Colin brought a new energy and vibrancy to our faith community. On June 9, 2020, Fr. Colin was appointed Pastor of Holy Redeemer Parish effective July 1, 2020.

2018 – 2019
Rev. Donald Weber
Retired Pastor Fr. Donald Weber was appointed as Canonical Administrator in 2018 to shepherd our parish. Fr. Chuck Fischer was often seen presiding over Mass during this time as well.

2016 – 2018
Rev. Roc Majalla, SAC
Fr. Roc Majalla was installed as our sixth pastor in 2016. Under his pastoral guidance, the parish celebrated it’s 40th Anniversary. Bishop Walkowiak presided over the anniversary Mass that included the unveiling of our Divine Mercy image in the Sanctuary. In 2018, the Parish hosted a diocesan-wide Divine Mercy Celebration of Praise, Adoration, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Later that year, Fr. Majalla returned to India to minister to his homeland community after eleven years of service to the Diocese of Grand Rapids.

2003 – 2016
Rev. Ronald Hutchinson
Fr. Ronald E. Hutchinson was appointed the fifth pastor of Holy Redeemer Parish in 2003. During his tenure, Fr. Ron oversaw a number of enhancements to the Parish including the addition of the suspended crucifix which serves as the focal feature of the Sanctuary as well as the unveiling of the Holy Redeemer statue at the entrance to the Chapel. Other renovations included the addition of kneelers in the pews, the completion of a commercial kitchen in the Activity Center, a new Nursery and the Parish Prayer Garden.
2000 – 2003
Fr. Richard J Lawie
Fr. Richard J. Lawie was appointed the Parish’s fourth pastor in 2000.
Working with several ministries, Fr. Lawie put a strategic planning process in
place to consider the future needs of the parish.
1991 – 2000
Rev. Dennis P. Nash
Fr. Denis P. Nash was appointed Holy Redeemer’s third pastor in 1991. The parish continued to grow and thrive. Under his watch, the entryway
was enclosed and beautiful stained glass windows were installed in the
Sanctuary. The Phase III building addition included additional classrooms, a gymnasium/family center also known as the Activity Center, and a music rehearsal room.

1984 – 1991
Rev. Thomas G. Simons
Fr. Thomas G. Simons became the Parish’s second pastor in 1984. By this time the
parish had grown from the initial 310 families to 660 families.
Soon plans were in place to expand the parish facilities. The Phase II building
addition completed in 1987 added the Emmaus Chapel, enlarged Shepherd’s Hall,
the parish center, as well as classrooms.
1975 – 1984
Rev. Norman P. Droski
Holy Redeemer Parish had its inception on April 3, 1975 with the appointment of Fr. Norman Droski as its first pastor. This was quickly followed by the purchase of approximately nine acres as a building site. Fr. Droski wrote: “I remember driving to the site of the future parish. I could not find it as I passed hayfield after hayfield in the township.” The new parish celebrated its first Mass in the Jenison High School auditorium on April 20, 1975, and continued to worship there for three years until the initial part of the church building was completed in 1978.