Our high school program provides an avenue for youth to encounter Christ and become more active in the Holy Redeemer Parish Community. Students will increase awareness of their place within the Worldwide Catholic Church, as well as deepen a personal relationship with Jesus. The program has a well-rounded and comprehensive approach to the Catholic Faith, by giving youth many different types of activities to participate in. The full calendar may be viewed here.

Spiritual Life
Retreats & More!
Just as Jesus frequently went away by Himself to pray, so we are called to leave the noise of our daily lives in order to hear more clearly the promptings of the Holy Spirit. These retreats allow us time to re-focus our gaze on Christ and to grow deeper in knowledge of and love for Him. There are periodic retreats and conferences offered for our youth through out the year.
How & Why
Our desire to become more intelligent in our faith moves us to delve deeply into the beauty, truth, and goodness of the Catholic Church’s doctrine and Theology. Equipped with a better understanding of the why and how of the faith, we become true salt of the earth and light in the world. Time together consists of fellowship, prayer, discussion, outreach, and games.

Outreach Opportunities and More!
Since part of the Christian lifestyle is service to others, students are offered various opportunities to show Christian Charity. Participation can be counted toward any service hours needed for various organizations.