
For your convenience, we offer two methods of electronic giving:

1) Electronic Payment Offertory Contributions: Our Parish relies on your support to thrive.  A growing number of parishioners are choosing to share their Treasure with scheduled weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly donations directly from their bank account. It’s easy to do and we can help set it up for you.  If you’d like to set up electronic funds transfer, please complete the following form, attach a voided check, and return it to us in the parish office or by mail.  We highly recommend this giving option because it’s easy to set-up and there are no associated fees.
Electronic Payments Offertory Application

2) On-Line Option for One-Time and/or Credit Card Gifts:
 Holy Redeemer Parish has partnered with myEoffering in order to provide you with the convenience of making secure on-line contributions to share your Treasure in the spirit of stewardship.  This option is for contributors who to would like to make one-time gifts and/or contribute using a credit card.  In registering for myEoffering, please be sure to select Holy Redeemer Parish, Jenison, MI (49428) as your church.