

Contact Pastoral Council

[email protected]

The Pastoral Council is a visioning body. Through prayer and consensus the Council shares its wisdom and insight with the Pastor in visioning and planning for the parish. The Pastoral Council strives to identify the needs of the parish, studies and reflects upon those needs, makes recommendation as to how those needs can be met […]


Leadership group devoted to discovering and communicating insights into Christian discipleship and their application to a stewardship way of life. Monthly meetings scheduled with discernment by members. Qualifications include a willingness to embrace stewardship as a way of life and share this with others. Training will be ongoing. Current Council Members Not Pictured: N


Contact Finance Council

[email protected]

The Finance Council consults with and advises the Pastor on financial matters, the administration and use of parish property, and the administration of parish operations. They help prepare and approve the general parish budget (including capital expense budgets) as well as help prepare annual reports. Current Council Members Not Pictured: Wendy A


Acknowledging the presence and the power of God, and grounded in a desire to serve in the Spirit of the Gospel, we work in ways which: Motivate people of different backgrounds to work together.  Become a voice for the voiceless.  Promote greater justice in community affairs.  Help people share what they have with others. Current […]

Knights of Columbus

This is a membership organization of Catholic men age 18 or older, that fosters lasting friendships with each other while reaching out to the Church community and helping the less fortunate. Gift of Time: General membership meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm in classrooms 10-12. Some activities that the Knights sponsor are: […]

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