Nursing Home Eucharistic Ministers
Committed to bringing the Word, Eucharist, and the Love of the Lord to the residents of nursing homes in Jenison, Hudsonville, and Allendale. Sundays on a rotating schedule. Qualifications include prayerful adults who enjoy serving residents in a nursing home environment. Eucharistic Minister qualifications and training.
Care of items that are used in conjunction with liturgy and worship space. Once a week – can be set up on a rotating schedule. Qualifications are ability to work independently. Initial training session at onset.
Welcomes and greets the people as they gather. Ushers are responsible for the specific needs of the faith community before, during, and after each liturgy, assisting with the seating of people, the collection baskets, and the procession of the communion process. As an usher, you would be placed on a rotating schedule at the liturgy […]
Proclaiming the Word of God at weekend liturgies and special holy day liturgies. As a lector you would be placed on a rotating schedule at the liturgy that you request. Initial training will occur at an appointed time with occasional enrichment sessions. In addition, you would take time on your own preparing to proclaim the […]
Eucharistic Ministers
Assist in distribution of Holy Communion with reverence and dignity at parish liturgies. As a Eucharistic Minister you would be placed on a rotating schedule at the liturgy time that you request. Open to all who are fully initiated and are 16 years of age or older. Initial training will occur at an appointed time […]
Altar Servers
Serve at the weekend liturgies and special holy day liturgies. As a server you would be placed on a rotating schedule at the liturgy that you request. Open to all who are in the 4th grade and older. Initial training will occur at an appointed time with occasional enrichment sessions.