Funeral Luncheons
Funeral Luncheons are provided to our families who have lost a loved one. The luncheon takes place in Shepherds Hall or the Activity Center, depending on the number attending, following the Funeral Liturgy. This offers the family a time to laugh, cry, and celebrate their loved one’s life in a relaxed and comfortable setting, while sharing a meal together.
Funeral Luncheon Coordinator(s)
Facilitates all aspects of overseeing and coordinating the funeral luncheon and purchasing of supplies.
Reliable organized person/people with flexibility on short notice. A few hours of prep work prior to funeral luncheon, set-up, the luncheon, and clean up. One time meeting with Pastoral Team Member.

Funeral Luncheon Serving Team
Set-up, serve, and/or clean up for funeral luncheon following funeral.
Men and women with flexibility on short notice. (Could team with other mothers with co-op on-site childcare.) Gift of time, three to four hours. Hands-on training.
Funeral Luncheon Food Coordinator(s)
Organize and implement funeral luncheon food donors for each funeral luncheon.
Reliable organized person/people with flexibility on short notice. A few hours prior to each funeral luncheon. Pastoral Team Member.

Funeral Luncheon Food
Provide prepared dishes upon request to be served at funeral luncheon.