Music Ministry

Music Ministry Schedule Overview- February


  • Rehearsals 7:15-8:30 on Feb 5, 12, 19, and 26
  • Play at 11am Mass on March 2

Children’s Choir

  • Rehearsals after 11am Mass on Feb 2, 9, 16
  • Children sing at Mass Saturday, Feb 22.
  • No rehearsal Feb 23


  • Rehearsals 6-7pm  Feb 5, 12, 19, 26
  • Play at 11am Mass on March 2

Adult Choir

  • Rehearsals 7:15-8:30 Feb 5, 12, 19, 26
  • Feb 2 and 9- Sing at 11am Mass
  • Feb 16- Sing at 8:30 mass
  • Feb 23- Weekend off
  • March 2- Sing at 11am Mass March 2


A new year seems like a good time to introduce some new music.  I will be introducing a new “Mass setting” over the next 6 weeks, the Misa-Luna.  By “Mass setting” I mean the parts of the Mass that don’t change week to week that have been put to music.  In practical terms this means we will be learning a new Gloria melody (Glory to God in the highest. . . ), a new Alleluia melody (and in Lent a new Gospel Acclamation melody), a new Sanctus melody (Holy, Holy, Holy Lord. . . ), a new Memorial Acclamation (We proclaim your death, O Lord. . . ) a new melody to the Amen, and a new melody to the Agnus Dei (Lamb of God. . .)  In all of these cases the text stays the same. 

Why?  It can help some people stay engaged by varying the settings throughout the year.  A change in setting can help highlight a shift in the liturgical season.  Other times, Father or I have been exposed to new music and want to adopt it into our own repertoire.  This is the case for our new setting, Misa Luna.

Since it can be quite jarring going from knowing every song to stumbling over something new, I want to introduce these changes gradually: last week we sang the new Alleluia.  This week we introduce the Gloria.  Since the Gloria is such a long piece, we will focus only on these two changes for four weeks.  Those four weeks, wrap up our celebration of Ordinary Time.

Beginning on Ash Wednesday, March 5, the Alleluia and Gloria will be suspended for Lent.  We will then introduce a Lenten Gospel Acclamation and the Eucharistic responses- the Sanctus, Memorial Acclamation, Amen, and Agnus Dei.  We should be acclimated to the whole Mass by the end of Lent and be able to fully sing the whole Mass setting when the Gloria and Alleluia return for Easter. 

Thank you for your patience! 

~Emily Rushmore