Holly DeVivo

Holly DeVivo

Marija Bilic

My name is Marija Bilic, and my family and I have been part of Holy Redeemer Parish since 2011. I graduated from Ave Maria College with a bachelor’s degree in theology and political science. In 2017, I began serving at the parish. I am blessed to lead Children’s Faith Formation for grades K-8, including preparation […]

Jennifer Dana

I have been a parishioner here since 2001. Since that time I have worked in the nursery, helped at VBS, with Sunday hospitality, been a catechist in 1st grade, ushered for Mass, attended Bible Study and became a Eucharistic Minister. My most recent work experience was in Early Childhood before I was hired at Holy Redeemer […]

Amy Fleck

Hi! I am Amy Fleck and I am one of the Faith Formation Assistants. I joined the Faith Formation Team in July 2024. I come to Holy Redeemer with a teaching degree in Elementary Education with a focus on Child Development. In my BK era (Before Kids) I was a preschool teacher for Jenison Public […]

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