Thank You’s

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You to all the wonderful, hardworking and energetic men, women and children who volunteered at Holy Redeemer Parish on Saturday, May 4th for our Parish Clean Up Day! What a great opportunity for children to learn to serve at a young age. Your efforts were appreciated and have improved the look and curb appeal of our place of worship! Thank you to the church for the pizza lunch.

Blessings, Holy Redeemer Parish and the Grounds Beautification Committee

We would like to thank our Holy Redeemer Parish family for all of the cards, prayers, and visits following the death of our mother, Virginia (Ginny) Osmun.  Your support is very much appreciated during this difficult time.

Thank you, Denise & Greg Levett and family.

I wanted to reach out and personally thank you for the generous donation given recently to Hand2Hand on behalf of the parish. Your leadership support is noticed and deeply appreciated as your parish serves the kids and families in the Jenison community. 

We are grateful to have partners like Holy Redeemer who live out the Gospel message. 

With a grateful heart, 

I would like to sincerely thank Father Phong for opening up the Parish facilities to our food packing event! I also wish to thank our Parish staff and family, my brother knights of my council and assembly, and the brother knights from the Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo Diocese. Together we have packed food for many members of Gods family that may be going hungry, but for our efforts! Thank you very much, and may God bless you!

Grand Knight

Paul M. Kwiatkowski

Bishop Fulton J. Sheen Council #7487


Many thanks to the following Holy Redeemers SAINTS who came out to Habitat in April!!!   

Francisco H, Javier H, Don B, Don D, Donna B, John K, Mike P, Phil S, Ryan L, and……….. BIG Joe B!!! 

What a fantastic day!!   We accomplished a great deal in a short amount of time!!  As my mother used to say, you earned many ‘Stars in Your Crown’ today !!  

All are encouraged and welcome to join us on May 18th from 8am – 4pm!

MANY MANY THANKS !   May God richly bless you……  Habitat Bob